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Monday, June 29, 2009

My Favorite Actor on Best of the Best Awards

Towards the Best of the Best Awards, I want to see action once Actor and Actress my favorite through Direc TV. I have 2 favorite actor is Brad Pitt and Mel Gibson. I was a Brad Pitt fan since small, I can not wait want to see the movie inglousios basters and watch Brad Pitt akting through Direc TV my favorite, I believe this film is very good and a further Oscar nomination. Brad Pitt's popularity as a top Hollywood actors, make Pitt eventually become candidates for mayor of New Orleans. In addition to Pamor Pitt as celebrities, but also because of concern Brad Pitt on the victims of hurricane Katrina. I believe in the BoB Awards this year Brad Pitt can show itself as one of the world-class film. I am interested with Brad Pitt since he became a hero Troy and became Achiles figure legends. Akting from Brad Pitt is very good and natural. I am very satisfied because the film makes me know more about the legend of Troy story. I was also pleased at this time if he has a beautiful pair, Angelia Jolie. Hopefully the household can be happy with their children some of their own.

The second actor to be my favorite is Mel Gibson. I was roundly fan since Mel Gibson film Braveheart. However, Apocalypto is also very good. Will Gibson compromising purity Maya civilization with a frightening story and shows a lot of blood to a Hollywood awards? Data from the National Georaphic about Maya tribe indicates that Apocalypto was minimal accuracy. Maya the soldiers will not deliberately look for slaves and sacrifice in the forest. The victim is a prisoner of war to the public. Even more often they give up the population of the village for their own gods, who seem to always bloodthirsty. Mel Gibson acting is also very natural and good. Wonder if he does not often go to the Blog Awards nominations. As one of the Mel Gibson fan, I also hope that Gibson also win the award in the Best of the Best Awards this year. To all of you who like the favorite Actor and Actress sure you also can not wait to watch it via your favorite direc tv. But I want to say "Please nominate me in the Best of the Best Awards." Hopefully this year have a wonderful memories with Best of the Best Awards.


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